Newtown Woman's Club, GFWC, Inc.
 PO Box 101, Newtown, CT 06470
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“We are not known so much 
by what we keep, 
but what we share.”

GFWC/CT motto

Belles, Books and Candles​

​ The book we will be discussing is “The Lager Queen of Minnesota” by J Ryan Stradal At the library Oct. 24th at 1. The room might be changed so look around for us. Marg Studley will lead the discussion. 

Happy Reading 

October 12                     GFWC Fall Conference                                   Manchester, CT
October 17                     Black Angus Grill                                              Halloween Fun
November 21                Newtown Congregational Church                 Member Arts and Craft Show         
December 19                 Bora                                                                     Carl Lindquist -  Happy Holidays           
January: 16                   Newtown Congregational Church                  TBA 
February 20                  Newtown Congregational Church                  What's In Your Purse?
March - April                District Days
March  5                         Women's History Month Celebration
March 20                       Michael's Pub                                                     TBA
April 17                           Black Angus Grill                                               Peg Forbell - Spontaneous Poetry
April 20 - 26                  GFWC Volunteer in Action Week
May 4                              GFWC CT Convention
May 15                            Bora                                                                       Installation  
June 7-9                         GFWC Annual Convention                               Georgia